AR Furniture

  • Category: AR, iOS
  • Tools: iPad Pro 2020 w/ Lidar
  • Project date: March, 2021

How would my furniture look in an apartment?

In February of 2021, I started looking at new places to live. After touring a few apartments, I realized that it would help if I was able to see how some of my furniture fit and looked within a given space. I decided to do this is two separate ways.

First, I created 3D scans of a few basic pieces of furniture. I then toured an apartment, placed those 3D scans right into the space. However, I knew that I didn't have much time in the apartment, and that I would want to look at this at a later time. So I also created a Lidar scan of the entire apartment during the tour. That night I brought both my furniture and the apartment scans into Unity, and placed them together in the same experience. The best part about this was that now I was about to rearrange furtiure as much as I wanted! I was able to test out how the furtiure fit together in the apartment. And if I wanted, I could also virtually "walk" around the apartment!